Tuesday, 10 June 2014


'Life rarely unravels in line with your expectations. And that is a good thing, isn't it?'

What I have now realised when looking over this statement I wrote just half a year ago is that I did not consider that this wholly depend on what your expectations are. Mine are mostly tinted by romantic visions and thus life rarely - but not never - turns out to measure up to my dreams. But that is, as I wrote, a good thing. I even look back at three rain-soaked days in Anglesey (Wales) with happiness. Perhaps this is just memory going romantic on the past, though. There is nothing wrong in being a romantic however - that is what got me travelling in the first place.

Since as long as I remember I have loved most things British - even the weather (I know at this point, most people in the UK must be considering my sanity). I consumed quickly books and TV series that draw you into a world of billowing hills and green dales; of Oxbridge poshness and stiff upper-lips; of kitchen-sink realism and dry humour. I have adored everything fictionally British as long as I can remember, so it was with excitement I moved to England one year ago and started exploring how fiction conformed to reality (well, I mainly came here to study a uni degree). During the year, I have travelled to different places in England, Wales and Scotland and I finally got to see with my own eyes some of those places I had marked with an X when I was a child in my travel books. Meanwhile, I have discovered both a great interest in travelling and photography.

The aim of this blog is therefore to write about my visits to different places in the British Isles. I will both give you tips of where to go and stay, of things to do, anecdotes etc. It will all be accompanied by my amateur photography from the places I've been to. I will need to bring you up to date with the trips I made this year as I have not had time to do so until now. If this will be done in chronological order, I do not know. Furthermore, I will also recommend travel accounts by different authors and documentaries by different film-makers.

I do hope this project will unravel at least to some extent with my expectations. And, if not, I guess it will not be all that bad.


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